Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Incredible Grace of the Oneness Blessing

The Oneness Blessing is a transfer of energy which initiates journey into higher states of consciousness and triggers one's spiritual evolution. The blessing is passed on by a Facilitator that who was specially trained by monks at the Oneness University in southern India. this laying on of hands over the crown chakra works
to quiet the parietal lobes which are responsible for the feeling of being "separate". It also opens the frontal lobe which allows us to feel bliss and communion with the Divine. In addition to shifting the physical brain, the blessing also gently moves into the heart and causes it to flower. Recipients of the blessing report experiencing higher states of awareness and greater connection with God.
One of the lovely things about the Blessing is that little by little some space begins to happen between a thought and your reaction to that thought. This little gap gradually gets bigger and one day you notice you are experiencing your world from a calm, balanced place of a peaceful heart!

There is a beautiful chant that we sing just before we pass on this blessing to others. It is called the Moola Mantra. Just listening to this chant is very healing because its vibration is so high. It is sung in the sanscrit language and it means:

We honor the Divine Compassionate God
We honor the God Within
We honor the feminine aspect of the Divine
and We honor the masculine aspect of the Divine. And to all these aspects we bow and give homage that we may realize the Divinity Within.

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